Vitenka: 1530
I made this / Cat Games - Less lag, more 'thats bad'
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There's nothing to see here except for shadows of the past - and these ones won't be returning.

I'd point you to my next project here - but I'm not that organised. My style is to act and then sort out the consequences, rather than the other way around. Oh, and lying. I do that a lot too. (i.e. if you look closely, you may have seen some links appearing roughly once a week) is registered to me for the forseeable future, so you might find something there.

Edited by Vitenka at 2003-04-09 08:22:54

Vitenka : Thu 24 02:58:34 2001  
I'm just going to quote this here, and see if anyone else can do any good with it.

Author: Slappy Kincaid
Date: 5/20/01 3:15:00 PM
Subject: THe Ultimate Llama, Need Suggestions(long)
First, this has absolutely nothing to do with gaming.
I would like to hear suggestions on what I could do (within the law, of course) to make life difficult for someone in the UK while I am in America.
Here is the story: My little sister got married 6 weeks ago to a Brit she had been dating long-distance. None of us liked him, we thought he was shifty and arrogant and the whole affair was rushed. But what can you do? So my parents paid for the $22,000 wedding.
She sold everything she had, quit her job, gave up her apartment and her dog, got married, and moved to London. This guy immediately began to torment her. He wouldn't let her unpack, touch anything in the apartment, etc. His behavior got increasingly more hostile until he was telling her she couldn't eat any of the food in the house, couldn't turn on the lights, had to pay him room and board, and finally threw her out, saying he had planned it all along and never loved her. She of course is devastated, broke, homeless, and we're now trying to get her back to the U.S.
In the middle of all this, I learned that he did the same thing to another girl last year. Except that time, she had *his* 10 year old son with her (who he'd never seen). They were tossed into the street, penniless, after three weeks and left to find a way to return to Australia.
Does anyone have any creative ideas as to what I could possibly do to make this public knowledge, and prevent it from happening again? This guy is a true sociopath, with no remorse or conscience, and will (given his past) continue to do this to women and probably escalate his behavior. I have his name, phone, ICQ, address, and e-mail. Oh yeah, and he's an IT consultant in London. Some of you may even know him.

Author: Slappy Kincaid
Date: 5/20/01 6:20:00 PM
Subject: RE: THe Ultimate Llama, Need Suggestions(long)
He remained within the law, barely. There's a good possibility that he has a criminal record, probably for a minor offense--theft, assault, possession. But he didn't commit any sort of fraud that I can determine. My girlfriend is a psychologist, and has watched this all pretty intently (there's alot more to the story), and has no doubts that he could be clinically diagnosed as a sociopath: remorseless, without conscience or empathy of any kind, a consumate liar, obsessively controlling of his surroundings including the people--he views them as props anyway. He's well-practiced at deceiving people, he's done it most every day of his life.
It's like waking up on the Jerry Springer show. Almost unbelievable.

Author: Slappy Kincaid
Date: 5/21/01 5:50:00 AM
Subject: RE: I Knew I Could Get Some Good Advice...
See, that's the insane thing. This all happened in the 5 weeks following the wedding. Up to that point, we didn't really like him and thought he was a little sneaky and rude, but no one saw *this* coming. He seemed to go to great lengths to show his devotion and affection to my sister. Really, now, who plays the loving, devoted fiance until right after the wedding and then turns into such a despicable, ruthless bastard for no discernable motive?
Anyway, she's returning to New Orleans with my family and plans to stay there for the forseeable future. We'll all be keeping a close eye on her and making sure she has everything she needs. What a friggin mess.

Author: Slappy Kincaid
Date: 5/23/01 3:29:00 PM
Subject: Beware of This Guy!
Now that my sister is back in the country, the name of the guy she ran afoul of is:
Shaun Aston
(Resident of: London, England)
Watch out for this guy. He works in the IT industry as a consultant (self-emlpoyed), he steals from his friends, he preys on women. He is a compulsive liar and is potentially dangerous. He hangs out in the Goth scene (you know--makeup, black hair, tall and pale, leather trenchcoat, pirate shirts). If you know him, warn people away from him. If you meet him, steer clear of him. Although a few choice words would be greatly appreciated by my entire family.

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