Animus Silvae
Library up to date as of 3rd Febuary - Spring 1228
Instruction in the arts of Creo
Instruction in the arts of Intelligo
- A summma, with a score of twenty and a quality of nine; written
by Markothet ex domo Verditii.
- A Libra Quaestionum, targeted at level 10, with a quality of 13
(This is a one volume Intelligo-Vim LQ)
- A tractartus upon Eyes of the Past, hence quality four - this book donated in exchange for Gwyntars work - by Cimon.
A tractartus upon
Fish / Not fish
, hence quality five.
[This tract is in a Snippets from the
temple of knowledge, with the spell it expounds.]
- A tractartus upon Guaging the warriors strength, hence quality six.
[This tract is in a Snippets from the
temple of knowledge, with the spell it expounds.]
- A tractartus upon peering into the mortal mind, hence quality six.
[This tract is in a Snippets from the
temple of knowledge, with the spell it expounds.]
- A tractartus upon reveal the gift, hence quality six.
[This tract is in Like poetry in motion,
with the spell it expounds.]
- A tractartus upon sight of the active magics, hence quality eight.
[This tract is in Like poetry in motion,
with the spell it expounds.]
Instruction in the arts of Muto
- A summa, with quality of seven, and with a level of five; written by Revan ex Criamon.
Instruction in the arts of Perdo
- "Ice to water - water to steam" - A summa with level eleven and quality nine, written by Jardis in exchange for Gwntars work.
Instruction in the arts of Rego
Instruction in the arts of Animal
- "Freedoms Burden" - A summa, with a score of 12, and a quality of 6 - written by that quaesitor who left.
A summa, with a score of 8, and a quality of six - written by that horse loving
quaesitor we have staying with us.
Instruction in the arts of Aquam
Instruction in the arts of Auram
Instruction in the arts of Corporem
Instruction in the arts of Herbam
- A summa, with a score of nineteen and a quality of
seven; written by Raenelle ex domo Merinitae.
And thats the last of those huge summas, though I do think
that the writer of this one was being obscure on purpose
- A summa, score 4, quality 5; written by our own Dimitri.
- A tractartus upon wall of thorns, hence a quality of four.
[This tract is in the samebook as the spell it expounds]
Instruction in the arts of Ignem
Instruction in the arts of Imagonem
Instruction in the arts of Mentem
Instruction in the arts of Terram
Instruction in the arts of Vim
Our library covers all of the available arts; though it is notably weak in Muto,
Perdo, Aquam and Herbam. It is also badly fire damaged.
(And the books we DO have are, mostly, fire damaged.)