Animus Silvae
Library up to date as of 4th Febuary - Winter 1230
Non-hermetic Library
The study total is calculated in the same way; except that it
is then divided by 5.
"A Hunt or Survival" a tract upon Faerie lore, with a quality of six, wirtten by Miriam ex Miscellana in Hebrew
This tract is also a record of real events
- "On written Hebrew" a Libra Quaestionem upon scribe hebrew (written in latin) by the miriam - it has a target level of one and a quality of nine.
Tractarti upon magic theory and parma magica - both quality 3, written by that quaesitor who left.
Some wibbly trader came by, and we saved his life (perhaps) and got some books (perhaps)
- The eternal enemy and its assured destruction; by Joxer, confessor. A libra quaesitonem upon the lore of the occult, which has a target level of zero, and a quality of fourteen.
- The illumination of theological scripts by Marcius, scriptor theologica ex Vatican. A tract effective upon scribe latin - with a quality of twelve.
- Legends of the east - A compilation of Near Eastern legends and beastries. A summa upon legend lore, with a level pf three - and a quality of three.
- The evil of the false path - by Avian ex Cistercis. An anti-magus rant.
- Travels in southern lands by Bryarius of corinth. A tractartus upon area lore (North Africa) with a quality of seven.
- The best arguments that I have ever had - by David of Kiev. This bok is nutty! And appropriately, has been cut into two halves, so might be a bit fragile effective as a libra quaestionem, with a target level of three, and a quality of fifteen. (Random frustration rolls neccesary to keep reading it)
- Peninsula Iberisi - Una Mundo Mirabile - Filcius, Magister in Artibus.
Or rather...
Peninsu L a IBER isi - Una Mundo M ir A bi LE - FI l CIU s, M agister in Artibus.
Liber Maleficium
Some fire thingy scorched the title to reveal its apparently true provence. It seems rather attatched to our library, and should probably worry us. {shrug}
If you read any of these books, tell Dan
- "Insights Into the Texts of the Moorish People Through their Legends" - a tract upon arabic legends (in latin) Quality 8, level 2. (written arabic) Huh? Don't understand
- And its companion - "Insights Into the Texts of the Hebrew People Through their Legends; a commentary" - a tract upon Hebrew legends (in Latin) Quality 8, level 2 (written Hebrew)
- How to Write Latin for Beginners - A summa, quality 11, level 3.
- 1001 things you never
Wanted to know Knew About the Bible - A Libra Questionem upon Theology, level 1 with a quality of fourteen.
- Magus of God - a summa upon church lore, with a score of five and
a quality of twelve; written by Rellinsarl ex domo Bonisagi.
- Keys to the temple of Knowledge - a summa upon enigmatic wisdom,
with a score of five, and a quality of nine; written by Markothet ex domo Verditii.
- Faerie Faerie quite contrary - a summa upon faerie lore, with a score
of five, and a quality of seven; written by Raenelle ex domo Merinitae.
- The hidden ways made plain - a summa upon magic theory, with a score of
five, and a quality of fourtenn; written by Marie-Claire ex domo Guernici.
The second volume of this is missing
- A tractartus upon magic theory - with a quality of nine; exchanged by Cimon for a copy of Gwyntars work.
- Know thine enemy - a summa upon occult lore, with a score of five and a
quality of sixteen; written by Corrin ex domo Tremere.
- Gallic Wars by Caesar - a tractartus upon warfare,
quality nine.
- A summa upon Chirurgery, with score 3 and quality 8.
- A summa upon hermetic law, score 1 and quality 15. [Strangely
- the fire seems to have improved this books quality -
expounding its stupidity]
- A summa upon medicine, with score
4 and quality 6.
- A tractartus upon Magic Theory, with quality of four;
written by Gwyntars apprentice
She's able to write a better book on the
subject than me! What are you feeding her Gwyntar?
Ah - right; she's an elder dragon. Sorry.
- A summa upon hermetic:
- Law, quality eight, and score four, as well as...
- Lore, also quality eight and score four.
Both contributed by that horse loving quaesitor we
have staying with us.
- A tractartus upon the parma
magica - written up by Gwyntars apprentice! (Quality 4)